My heart gave a little leap as I arrived on Friday evening to the Cambridge Folk Festival. Bruce Coc . . . more>>
The Breath Voice Spirit Workshop was led by Michael Harper for 11 participants (aged 16+) on . . . more>>
It was an appropriately steamy, swampy summer night at the Elm when bluesman Tom Colborn took . . . more>>
What do you get when you cross 13 beards, a graphic designer, an ecologist, a builder, a social w . . . more>>
Ely Folk Festival is a fairly delightful haven-cum-celebration, in which all the best values . . . more>>
Even fish have fingers Even walls have ears Labour has left-wingers more>>
The sun has begun to shine in the hearts of previously lost souls. Lyrical hooks have left enduring . . . more>>
It's not every day you get to hear a world-renowned composer perform (let's face it, most of them ar . . . more>>
Either Ecki loves surprises, or hates librarians. That may sound like a leap of logic, bu . . . more>>
The revered DJ Adam Freeland kindly chose to include Cambridge's ramshackle yet quirky Fez ni . . . more>>