Mark Dobbin reports on Kaushiki Chakrabarty, Heffers, Cambridge, May 2006

Local Cambridgeshire Artist
Part of the Heart of the World celebration of world music, raga singer and festival artist-in-residence Kaushiki Chakrabarty displayed extraordinarily flexible, soothing vocal artistry at her recent ‘illustrated lecture' at Heffers' bookshop. Accompanying her were Sukhivinder Singh on tablas, Brajesnear Mukhujee, tanpura, and Ranjana Ghatak's harmonium.

Not as baroque as traditional Indian raga, 26-year-old Kaushiki set her captivating singing into context with short talks, describing her style as ‘spiritual, meditative, and there's a relaxation-tension dimension about it. It's also improvisational - though it's not jazz'.

A child prodigy, Kaushiki's first guru was her mother Chandna, renowned interpreter of Indian devotional song. Since then she has gone on to work with the greatest exponents of classical Indian music, and much personal acclaim: we were lucky to have her in the city.

Writer: Mark Dobbin