Let's sing for peace in Georgia

Chela is a small Cambridge based choir who sing traditional, religious and folk songs of Georgia. As a demonstration of support and solidarity with the people of Georgia, Chela will ‘Sing for Peace in Georgia' on Wednesday, 20 August at 6pm at St Edwards Church, Market Hill, Cambridge (behind the Guildhall). This will be a synchronized sing with choirs in Georgia, Turkey, Corsica, Brittany, Paris and London.

All are welcome. A small collection for refugees and good causes in Georgia will be made.

The Georgian polyphony, listed on the Unesco World Heritage, is a thousand-year-old tradition of singing which accompanies the life of Georgians in joy and pain, in celebration and mourning. It is also the ferment of courage and solidarity that enabled Georgia to outlast the difficulties.

Worldwide those who know the peaceful and hospitable spirit of the Georgian join forces to demand the Peace from now on !

Join us in making Peace in Georgia.

For more information please contact the choir's spokesperson

Ashlyn Armour-Brown on 01223-353586

Photo: Claire Borley